By Jennifer Whitlock
Field Editor

A Live Oak County high school senior is the winner of this year’s $5,000 Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) scholarship.

Hailie Council, daughter of Claude and the late Christina Council of Three Rivers, was awarded the scholarship during the 2021 Texas FCCLA state conference.

Each year, TFB awards one scholarship to a state or regional officer of Texas FCCLA.

“Texas Farm Bureau works with FCCLA, because this area of study is absolutely agriculture-related. Family and consumer sciences education offers students career paths in nutrition and culinary arts, textiles and clothing, consumer resource management and more, which tie in closely with agriculture,” Whit Weems, TFB director of Organization Division, said. “Leaders in every field should be aware of the importance of agriculture, so we work with FCCLA to achieve those goals.”

Council plans to attend Texas A&M University to major in biomedical sciences and eventually become an oncologist.

It’s a mission of personal importance to her, because her mother passed away after a battle with colon cancer when Hailie was only eight years old. She now has another reason for pursuing those goals after her father was also diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer last year.

“I have set a goal to become an oncologist to help those who struggle with the awful disease that will eventually be the cause of both of my parents’ passing,” Council said. “Despite the trials I’ve experienced, I am determined to grow into the young woman my mom always knew I would be.”

Although she used to struggle with understanding why cancer happened to her family, Council has redirected that energy into her education and extracurricular activities, where her teachers say she has excelled.

“Drive and determination are an intrinsic part of Hailie,” Maribeth Harlow, Hailie’s UIL speech and debate coach, wrote in a letter of support for Council’s scholarship application. “She pursues leadership roles in student organizations but also holds herself to a higher standard. She is goal-oriented and has a plan for her success. Her drive for excellence is apparent in her academic performance, as well as her extracurricular successes.”

In addition to serving as a state FCCLA officer, Council is the reporter for her local FFA chapter and chapter president of the National Honors Society. She participates in one-act play, UIL speaking and writing events, FFA speaking events and is on the student council. She is also active as a Boys and Girls Club mentor and assists the monthly food drives at her church.

“Being involved in FCCLA has presented me with so many leadership opportunities and helped me develop my skills and talents and just cultivated who I am as a person,” Council said. “I’d like to thank everyone who played a part in extending this scholarship opportunity to me. I am very blessed and grateful.”

FCCLA is a nonprofit career and technical student organization for young men and women in family and consumer sciences education in public and private schools through grade 12.

Click here for more information on youth opportunities through TFB.