A new film that gives Texas families an opportunity to take an inside look at how their food is grown and the men and women who grow it will debut this week.

Farmland, a documentary film by Oscar and two-time Emmy-winning filmmaker James Moll, follows six young farmers and ranchers who have taken over the family business of growing and raising food for families across the nation and world.

The film will debut in Austin, Houston and Wylie at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 1. Screenings in Dallas and Graham will follow at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 8.

Brad Bellah, a sixth generation cattle rancher from Throckmorton, Texas, is featured in the 90-minute documentary.

Ticket and theater information, as well as the trailer for Farmland, can be found at www.FarmlandFilm.com.

The documentary was produced by Allentown Productions with generous support from the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA).