Feb. 7 marks the one-year anniversary of the enactment of the 2014 Farm Bill. On Feb. 5, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack summed up the progress on every title of its implementation.

Vilsack offered a detailed update on the farm bill, along with a fact sheet showing efforts made by the agency to reach out to farmers and families affected by the bill’s changes, according to Farm Futures.

He shared an update on farm programs and stressed the importance of upcoming dates. The cutoff to reallocate base acres is Feb. 27. Farmers have until Mar. 31 to select or make changes to their elections on either the Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARS) program or the Price Loss Coverage (PLC) program by contacting their local Farm Service Agency office. Also, farmers’ conservation compliance forms are due June 1.

Vilsack said Farm Bill priorities began with disaster assistance and dairy programs, as well as getting information on new crop programs in the hands of farmers. He also highlighted farm bill programs that help beginning farmers, grow economic development and support rural communities.

Click here for the fact sheet on the implementation of the 2014 Farm Bill.