The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is asking for the public’s input on use of a popular insecticide, Chlorpyrifos.

According to a post in the Federal Register, EPA is considering a proposal to revoke all tolerances for the insecticide.

Chlorpyrifos has been widely used for almost 50 years on several crops including soybeans, corn, cotton, wheat, sugar beets, legume vegetables and Christmas trees.

According to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Executive Newswatch, EPA’s action is a response to a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which ordered the agency to respond to an administrative petition to revoke all tolerances for the insecticide.

The petition was originally filed with the agency by the Natural Resources Defense Council and other groups.

The EPA comment period is open now through Jan. 5.

AFBF is among the organizations submitting comments to the EPA on the proposal.