By Emmy Powell
Communications Specialist

A new, modernized farm bill and persevering in agriculture were among the topics American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) President Zippy Duvall covered during his speech at the national organization’s annual convention this week.

“Today, we are united behind the Farm Bill for America’s Families campaign. We brought together a diverse group across agriculture, conservation, and nutrition to explain why the farm bill matters for all Americans. Our messages are resonating with the public,” Duvall said.

The 2018 Farm Bill was extended for one year, giving lawmakers more time to complete the next bill. But Duvall said it’s time to get to the finish line.

“Now, I know we need to get through the budget process, but we also need to tell Congress it’s urgent to pass a new, modernized farm bill,” Duvall said. “The road to a new farm bill has become longer than any of us would have liked, but together we can see it through.”

AFBF makes it a priority to be the voice of American farmers and ranchers, Duvall said in his speech to over 4,000 Farm Bureau members.

“Part of our role as the national Voice of Agriculture is rallying our members to strengthen agriculture by engaging with leaders, boosting our influence and achieving our goals,” he said.

With hard work, Farm Bureau saw victory at the Supreme Court with the Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) ruling.

But exploring new frontiers in policy and agriculture—like carbon markets—can be challenging.

“There is much to explore there, but if we’re going to realize benefits, we need to ask bold questions, challenge assumptions and find answers together,” Duvall said.

It takes leadership, perseverance and teamwork, he noted, to make Farm Bureau and agriculture great.

“We come together for each other and for our communities because we care, and we know we are stronger together,” he said.

Being stronger together also means checking on each other and knowing the signs of stress and mental health illnesses. He encouraged members to check out the resources available on the Farm State of Mind webpage and to look out for one another.

As 2024 brings new opportunities and new frontiers, Duvall said a bright future is ahead.

“Let’s explore the new frontiers before us. Let’s keep blazing the trail with leadership, perseverance, teamwork and faith,” he said.

The AFBF Annual Convention was held Jan. 19-24 in Salt Lake City, Utah.