Want a new truck or ATV? Now is the time to throw your hat in the ring for a chance to win through Texas Farm Bureau’s (TFB) annual Outstanding Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) and Excellence in Agriculture (EIA) contests.

The Outstanding YF&R contest is designed for Texas Farm Bureau members under the age of 36 who are actively engaged in farming and/or ranching.

One winner is chosen from each of TFB’s 13 districts. Of those, three finalists are selected after a second round of judging. The judges will then visit each of the three finalists’ farm and/or ranch to decide who will be the overall winner.

All three finalists will be showcased at TFB’s Annual Meeting this December in Arlington where the winner will be named.

EIA rewards TFB members who are involved in agriculture, but don’t make the majority of their income through ag production. Eligible applicants include farm store managers, farm or ranch managers and people who are employed by an agricultural business and are under the age of 36.

The deadline to enter is Friday, Aug. 28. Applications and additional information about the contests can be found by clicking the Young Farmer and Rancher link under the YF&R & Leadership Programs tab on TexasFarmBureau.org.