U.S. Fish and Wildlife proposes ESA listing for Monarch butterfly
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) proposed listing the Monarch butterfly as threatened under the Endangered Species Act and included species-specific protections and flexibilities to encourage conservation. “Today, the eastern migratory population is [...]
EPA emissions report shows ag advancements in sustainability
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist A recent report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) highlights agriculture’s continuing advancements [...]
Ag health, safety focus of webinars during Farm Safety and Health Week
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist Extra emphasis is being placed on farm safety this week, Sept. 18-22, during National Farm [...]
Cash rent rates increase for Texas pasture, cropland
By Julie Tomascik Editor Cash rent rates in Texas increased for pastureland and irrigated cropland, according to the new [...]
Texas cotton crop suffers through another hot, dry year
By Shelby Shank Field Editor Anticipation and hope filled cotton farmers for this year’s crop, but limited rainfall and triple-digit [...]
EPA extends comment period on herbicide proposal
By Julie Tomascik Editor The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extended the comment period to Oct. 22 for its [...]
Doorways to Agriculture exhibit brings farm life to consumers
By Julie Tomascik Editor The world of Texas agriculture is open to consumers this fall through Texas Farm Bureau’s [...]
Young farmers, ranchers learn about Hill Country ag on Fall Tour
By Shelby Shank Field Editor Wildlife, vineyards, orchards and forage production were a part of the 2023 Texas Farm Bureau [...]
TFB’s outstanding teacher award nominations open
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist Teachers can gain recognition from the state’s largest farm and ranch organization by sowing the [...]