U.S., Mexico reach deal to assist water deliveries for Texas farmers
By Julie Tomascik Editor An amended 1944 water treaty between the U.S. and Mexico may offer some relief to Rio Grande Valley farmers grappling with severe water shortages. The International Boundary and Water Commission [...]
USDA announces $667 million in ReConnect funding
Another round of funding for high-speed internet projects was announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) this month. [...]
Central Texas corn farmers running out of storage
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist Corn farmers have made it through harvest with a good crop, but many in Central [...]
New products, markets add value for Texas timber
By Shelby Shank Field Editor The Texas timber sector has experienced fluctuations of supply and demand and other market [...]
Tropical storm brings rain to South Texas cotton farmers
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist Tropical Storm Harold brought much-needed rain to South Texas right during cotton harvest. After [...]
Report shows agricultural land value up from last year
U.S. agricultural land values and cropland cash rents have reached new highs, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) [...]
Managing, reducing heat stress in cattle
By Shelby Shank Field Editor With the rise in heat and humidity comes the potential for heat stress in [...]
Dove numbers up across most of Lone Star State
By Jessica Domel Multimedia Reporter There’s good news for Texas dove hunters. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) reports [...]
Farmers’ Almanac forecasts cold, stormy Texas winter
By Shelby Shank Field Editor It’s tough to think about winter with triple-digit temperatures beating down on the Lone Star [...]