Tick research aims to prevent spread of African swine fever
By Shelby Shank Field Editor Scientists are assessing a tick’s potential to spread African swine fever (ASF) in the Southern U.S. To prevent the spread of the virus in Texas and the Southern U.S., Texas [...]
TFB AgLead XVI tours California agriculture
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist Texas Farm Bureau’s (TFB) AgLead XVI class traveled to California in August to learn [...]
Over 2.2 million additional acres enrolled in CRP
An additional 2.2 million acres were enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), bringing the total enrollment “very near” the [...]
Municipalities allegedly violate right to farm
By Jessica Domel Multimedia Reporter Almost one year after voters in Texas overwhelmingly supported the constitutional amendment protecting the right [...]
YF&R committee explores Texas ag through exchange program
By Shelby Shank Field Editor A new exchange program offers Texas Farm Bureau’s (TFB) Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Advisory [...]
Support program invests in future of Texas cotton
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist Texas farmers in the Cotton Incorporated Texas State Support Program recently approved funding to support [...]
Livestock Mandatory Reporting live cattle dashboard available
The Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) Live Cattle Data Dashboard is now available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The [...]
Farmers, ranchers need Congress to focus on tax reform
When Congress returns from its August recess, farmers and ranchers need lawmakers to focus on tax reform in addition [...]
First-ever statewide flood plan released
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) recently approved the first statewide flood plan that provides [...]