By Justin Walker
Communications Coordinator

Registration for the 65th Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course at Texas A&M University in College Station is now open.

The short course, which is scheduled for Aug. 5-7, is the largest beef cattle educational event in Texas.

This year’s general session will cover opportunities and challenges within the cattle business, Dr. Jason Cleere, conference coordinator and AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, said.

“Each year we strive to provide ranchers with basic beef cattle production information, new technology in cattle production and hot issues affecting ranchers,” Cleere said. “This year, our general session will cover a very hot topic.”

The general session will feature Frank Mitloehner, University of California-Davis Department of Animal Science professor. Mitloehner will discuss some of the misinformation surrounding beef cattle and its impact on the environment.

Beef consumer trends at the grocery store, branded beef programs and an extended weather outlook will also be discussed.

Participants can choose to attend concurrent workshops featured throughout the sessions, with topics on forage and beef cattle management, health, nutrition and reproduction, record-keeping, genetics and purebred cattle, Cleere said.

A trade show will feature agricultural businesses and service exhibits.

Registration is $210 and covers several meals, trade show admittance, refreshments and access to the campus shuttle service. Fees will increase to $250 on July 29 for late registration.

A tentative schedule is available at

Contact Joani Groce at 979-845-8902 regarding registration questions.