Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service (AgriLife) has developed a notification system for High Plains wheat growers to help identify the several wheat viruses that cause wheat crop loss.

The system will give growers a “heads up” on advancing disease outbreaks and advice on management. AgriLife Today reports wheat producers could face wheat diseases each year, including those caused by the mite-transmitted viruses of wheat streak mosaic virus, triticum mosaic virus and wheat mosaic virus or High Plains virus and barley yellow dwarf virus, which is transmitted by aphids.

An email alert will be sent when wheat viral diseases are first identified to those who sign up for the notifications. Information will include county and date disease was identified, diagnostics and visual identification and management options.

Those interested in signing up for the group email notifications, please click here. For more information, contact Jacob Price at 806-677-5600 or japrice@ag.tamu.edu.