QuickBooks Pro courses are scheduled for Aug. 26-27 in Amarillo and Sep. 16-17 in Lubbock. Each course will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services has offered courses in QuickBooks Pro—a double-entry business accounting program—for 12 years to more than 400 farmers and ranchers. The program is often used by agricultural lenders and producers and its use can save a farmer more than $2,000 annually.

Registration is $150 per course and includes computer use and teaching materials. Couples are encouraged to attend and will be charged only one registration fee if they share a computer. No prior computer experience is necessary, according to AgriLife Today.

Class size is limited to 15 people to provide a hands-on experience for all participants, so RSVP by Aug. 19 for Amarillo or by Sep. 9 for the Lubbock course.

For more information and to register, contact Dee Jones for the Amarillo course at 806-677-5667, dljones@ag.tamu.edu or Jay Yates for the Lubbock course at 806-746-6101 or jayates@ag.tamu.edu.