Looking for recipes or activities for you and your family during social distancing for the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic? Texas Farm Bureau (TFB), as well as other agricultural associations, can help.

Try out some new recipes for cooking at home on Texas Table Top. Many of these recipes are made with Texas-grown ingredients.

Ag in the Classroom lessons
Get TFB’s free lesson plans about agriculture. The lessons detail the crops, the livestock and the people who grow them.

Find accurate and engaging books from Feeding Minds Press, a project of the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF). The books feature topics that are relevant to agriculture and society.

American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture has a “one stop shop” for free agricultural literacy resources for learners of all ages. You’ll find materials from many different projects, and intended for many different audiences, assembled into one searchable, sortable and listable pile.

Get food and farm facts that help you learn about where food comes from and agriculture in the U.S.

Learn about beef from AFBF’s On the Farm STEM learning toolkit.

Activities for kids
See how farms work and meet Texas farmers and ranchers in TFB’s YouTube videos.

Get free virtual lessons on agriculture, along with guided activities, from TFB.

National Ag in the Classroom has fun activities for kids and adults.

Test your ag knowledge with AFBF’s My American Farm game.  This game is a place for young learners to explore and discover food, fiber and energy.

Journey 2050 takes students on a virtual farm simulation that explores world food sustainability.

Learn more about Texas agriculture with these Top 10 facts.