Texas farmers and ranchers set their sights on ag safety throughout the year, but additional emphasis is being placed on farm and ranch safety this week through the Agricultural Safety Awareness Program (ASAP).

U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers and Farm Bureau are promoting ag safety March 4-8 with the theme “Cultivating Safety: Protecting Our Future.”

A different safety focus will be highlighted each day of the week:

  • Monday, March 4 – Animal Safety
  • Tuesday, March 5 – Fire Safety
  • Wednesday, March 6 – Eye Safety
  • Thursday, March 7 – Cost of Safety Prevention
  • Friday, March 8 – Tick/Lyme Disease Awareness

During the week and throughout the year, Farm Bureau encourages farmers to make safety a priority on the farm and ranch and to recognize the common agricultural hazards.

“Investing in safety on the farm is an investment in a secure and thriving agricultural future,” Bryce Moore, Texas Farm Bureau director of Field Operations, said. “The cost of safety measures, such as proper training, safety equipment, and maintenance, pales in comparison to the potential losses from accidents, injuries or property damage.”

AFBF encourages farmers and ranchers to make safety a priority.

Farm Bureau and the U.S. Ag Centers have a long history of working to ensure safety is a priority on farms and ranches and continue to support members of agricultural communities in their efforts to save lives and prevent injuries and lost time on the job.

“We encourage farmers and ranchers to take advantage of all the resources available during this week and to make safety a priority year-round,” Moore said.

ASAP is a part of the Farm Bureau Health and Safety Network of professionals who share an interest in identifying and decreasing safety and health risks.

ASAP Week was created to bring awareness to safety and health issues facing the agriculture industry.

For more information and resources, visit the program’s Facebook page.

Visit the Ag Centers’ YouTube channel for new content and fresh ideas about how to stay safe while working in agriculture, forestry and fishing.

Follow the hashtag #ASAP24 online to learn more.