By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

Texas Farm Bureau’s (TFB) Ag on the Go trailers are rolling into schools and communities across the state this fall to grow agricultural literacy and awareness.

The trailers, introduced earlier this year, are designed to help students in kindergarten through twelfth grade explore and connect to agriculture.

“The Ag on the Go program is more than just an educational initiative. It’s also a bridge that connects students to farmers and ranchers who grow their food, fiber and fuel,” Jessica Nemir, associate director of Field Operations, said. “Through hands-on learning activities and engaging lessons, we teach students about agricultural topics in a variety of settings.”

The program curriculum incorporates hands-on activities that are aligned with Texas teaching standards, making it easier for educators to integrate the concepts into their classrooms.

The program, however, also can easily be incorporated into community events, after school programs and other activities.

“Farm Bureau is committed to providing learning opportunities both in and out of the classroom for all ages, and Ag on the Go is an excellent avenue to do that,” Nemir said.

Ag on the Go offers lessons and activities on agricultural careers, cotton, corn, forestry, livestock and sustainability.

The trailers are magnetic, allowing students to participate in labeling activities and other hands-on learning opportunities.

A mini cotton gin is used to demonstrate the separation of the seed from the fiber. Students can interact with the soft fiber and see how it can be spun into yarn and thread.

TFB field representatives will bring the trailer and facilitate the lessons.

“Ag on the Go offers students and educators an opportunity to cultivate a better understanding of agriculture, and Farm Bureau does the work,” Nemir said. “Our team handles the lessons, making it easier to integrate the program in classrooms, after school activities and other community-wide events.”

Sign up details
Educators, program facilitators and those interested in the Ag on the Go trailers can sign up for a visit this fall at

For more information on the program, email or call 254-751-2273.

Additional Ag in the Classroom resources and educational opportunities also are available online at