As Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) nations meet this week in Guam to continue negotiations, food producer and processor organizations from Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand remain united in their call for a modern trade agreement that includes meaningful and comprehensive market access opportunities for agriculture and food processors, according to an AFBF news release.

The organizations advocating for an ambitious, fair and comprehensive TPP agreement are the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), the Australian National Farmers’ Federation and the Federated Farmers of New Zealand.

Together, they represent hundreds of thousands of farmers, producers, processors and exporters who, in turn, employ millions of workers across the TPP region.

“The TPP will only fulfill its promise of improved and increased trade in the Pacific region when it eliminates any barriers to trade, including tariff and non-tariff trade barriers,” said Bob Stallman, AFBF president. “U.S. agriculture has high expectations for the TPP, and we are calling on all countries involved to commit to a better agreement and freer trade worldwide.”