The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) has released four concise educational videos to help farmers and ranchers understand the rewards and risks of data-analysis technologies.

“Modern data technology offers great benefits for America’s farmers and ranchers, but these new advantages don’t come without some risks,” AFBF President Bob Stallman said in an AFBF release.

From collecting weather data to analyzing nutrient applications and seed varieties, agricultural technology providers collect data that helps farmers increase efficiency and yield higher profits. But many questions remain unanswered regarding who owns and controls this information once it is collected. AFBF is helping farmers get answers to these questions and secure their business data.

“Farmers must understand the issues being raised now, before they sign an agreement with an ag tech provider,” Mary Kay Thatcher, senior director of Congressional Relations for AFBF, said. Ownership of data is often misunderstood, but this educational tool is an important introduction for farmers and ranchers considering signing on with ag tech providers.

The videos are available at: