By Julie Tomascik

A decade of raising the steaks—both on the farm and in the markets—makes for a successful partnership between cattle producers and the Texas Beef Checkoff.

It’s one that began in June 2014 when ranchers voted for an additional $1 state beef checkoff assessment to fund promotion, research and educational programs to strengthen the Texas beef industry.

This fall marks 10 years since collections first began.

“It’s exciting to reflect on the milestones our industry has accomplished from Texas producers coming together for a state beef checkoff,” said Molly McAdams, executive vice president of Texas Beef Council (TBC). “We are the largest cattle-producing state and the second most populated state in the country. We have a lot of folks who need to learn about beef, and the state program has been critical to our success in reaching more Texans.”

Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) was one of the producer organizations that requested the Texas Department of Agriculture create a producer-funded and managed state-level beef checkoff program.

“Farm Bureau leaders saw a need to enhance and build upon the current programs and invest in their future,” said Tracy Tomascik, TFB associate director of Commodity and Regulatory Activities. “The state Beef Checkoff does just that. It helps provide the resources needed to promote beef, support ranchers and ensure that Texas beef remains a top choice for consumers.”

Driving demand through marketing
The state beef checkoff has allowed Texas Beef Council to build beef’s brand and drive consumer demand in more innovative ways.

That’s achieved through a series of marketing and promotion campaigns, which have highlighted the quality and diversity of Texas beef products and the families who raise them.

“We keep that full dollar in the state of Texas for our statewide promotions,” McAdams said.

That has consisted of bringing to life Beef Loving Texans, the consumer-driven community created to share uniquely Texan recipes, stories and nutrition information.

“This brand gets Texans excited about beef and how it fits into their uniquely diverse lifestyles,” she said. “The Beef Loving Texans website is a place for consumers to get information about beef, find recipes and learn about Texas ranchers.”

Other innovative campaigns have included the Ultimate Beef Loving Texan and Chief Recipe Officer, which drive consumers to and social media.

“We brought beef advertising and messaging back to TV. We produced an award-winning series called BBQuest. It was streamed on Hulu for three seasons, and we now have it on our YouTube channel where it has been viewed over 2.9 million times,” McAdams said.

The documentary-style TV show lets viewers experience the stories and flavors that make Texas barbecue legendary.

Commitment to education
A first-of-its-kind program was established with the additional beef checkoff resources.

The Medical Office Outreach initiative takes beef information directly to physicians and shares how beef can fit into healthy and sustainable diets.

In 2023, the program reached 1,686 health professionals and staff, mainly concentrated in the major metropolitan areas of the state.

“We’ve made significant progress in helping physicians understand that beef is a very important part of the human diet and that there are some outdated perceptions about the nutritional quality or content of beef,” McAdams said. “After hearing our information, 80% of physicians have shifted their sentiment about beef in the diet from negative to neutral.”

But it’s not just education for doctors.

Texas Beef Council also launched a power-packed beef nutrition resource, the Sports Nutrition Game Plan, for high school athletes. Over 600 coaches, athletic directors and trainers have signed up to use this tool for their programs.

Other state educational activities include training culinary professionals and students, engaging with youth programs and providing best practices to ranchers through the national Beef Quality Assurance program.

Advancing research and innovation
The beef checkoff has also been instrumental in funding research that addresses critical issues within the beef industry. Over the past decade, it has supported studies on topics ranging from cattle health and nutrition to environmental sustainability and meat quality.

These research initiatives provide valuable insights that help ranchers improve their practices and stay competitive in a global market, McAdams said.

Looking to the future
From digital advertising and social media engagement to partnerships with retailers and restaurants, these state beef checkoff efforts have helped maintain a strong market presence for Texas beef amid economic changes.

And as the state beef checkoff enters its second decade, the future will undoubtedly have challenges, but the investment producers are making in themselves are sure to yield prime results.

Visit for more ways these programs help keep beef in its strongest state.