By Haley Herzog
TFB Communications Intern

The Texas Beef Council (TBC) announced the launch of its third summer advertising campaign as part of the ongoing Beef Loving Texans movement.

The Beef Loving Texans movement is a consumer-driven brand created to share unique recipes, cooking and shopping tips, stories and expert nutrition information.

TBC is branding beef through its campaign by celebrating the nuances, pride and deeply-rooted values only found in this great state, and connecting consumers through special moments.

“Really the big goal of Beef Loving Texans is to connect consumers with the beef they love in a really unique Texan and emotional way,” Rachel Chou, TBC senior manager of Consumer Communications, said. “We know that some of the most popular and successful brands are brands that tell unique stories that connect with consumers on a deeper level than just a product level.”

Beef has always been at the heart of dinner tables in Texas for generations.

“What we really want to do is tell those beautiful stories that only Texans can tell and then share delicious recipes, cooking tips and those functional ways to actually get beef on the table,” Chou said.

The “Only in Texas” campaign backed by the TBC will aim to foster a sense of family, community and pride that aligns with Texas values, nostalgia and tradition to the passion Texans have for beef.

“We are doing a lot of things underneath the brand of Beef Loving Texans, and we’re aligning right underneath that,” Chou said. “We know that being healthy is not just the food that we eat but it’s the life we live and that’s what we really want to hone in on around Beef Loving Texans and all of the great consumer work that we’re doing is to connect all of those really great wholesome moments that people have around food to beef.”

The Beef Loving Texans digital television ad is airing in Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio and Austin. Some of the streaming outlets include Hulu, Roku and Chromecast or on the NBC app.

The 30 second digital ad is expected to garner more than 25 million impressions.

“This is our third year doing our summer ad campaign, and we’re super excited to continue to bring Beef Loving Texans to consumers all across the state,” Chou said.

Texans will also see Beef Loving Texans ads on 136 billboards across the state with the expected reach of more than 315 million impressions.

To learn more about Beef Loving Texans and other beef checkoff-funded programs, visit