By Justin Walker
Communications Specialist

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue appointed Wharton native and Texas Farm Bureau member Daniel C. Berglund to the United Soybean Board (USB). Berglund will serve as the Texas alternate director on a three-year term from 2017 until 2020.

“I truly appreciate the time and expertise that these individuals have agreed to provide, and know U.S. soybean producers will be well served by these men and women,” Perdue said.

Berglund is one of 22 farmers recently appointed to the board, with 19 serving as directors and three as alternate directors. Andrew W. Scott Jr. of Monte Alto, who has served as the Texas alternate director since 2013, is replacing Thomas P. Rotello Jr., as the director from Texas on the board.

Seventy-three members from 29 states and two regions make up the board, which was formed in 1991 through the implementation of the Soybean Promotion and Research order.

The board “administers soybean checkoff activities focusing on research and market development and expansion,” according to USB’s website. The board does not focus on state or national policy issues, which is reserved for the American Soybean Association (ASA).

USB directors aim to maximize profits for soybean farmers across the country by promoting soybean meal, oil and sustainability. In 2016, 23.54 percent of USB’s budget went to meal target areas, 21.04 percent to oil target areas and 15.38 percent on sustainability target areas.