By Shala Watson
Public Relations Intern

Future success and growth of the Lone Star State and agriculture depend on the next generation of leaders.

Strong voices, advocacy efforts and passion will stem from leadership training. Like those found at Texas Farm Bureau’s (TFB) Youth Leadership Conference (YLC). It provides an opportunity for youth to develop and strengthen leadership skills, economic knowledge and boosts self-confidence. And it has for more than 50 years.

The annual conference, which is set for June 13-17 at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, is for students entering their junior or senior year of high school.

“Students should attend the Youth Leadership Conference to gain a better knowledge and understanding of our government, free enterprise system and the founding principles our economic system was based on,” TFB Director of Organization Programs Coleburn Davis said.

Students can establish lifelong friendships with other high school students across the state, while developing stronger leadership skills through group projects and activities.

“Students will learn things they may not get in school, learn more about their government and how it was founded. They’ll learn why those details are important, allowing them to have a better appreciation for the free enterprise system,” Davis said. “We believe in the founding principles of private property and free enterprise and we want to instill those values into our young people.”

It’s values-based leadership to travel the road of excellence.

An in-depth look at free enterprise, constitutional government and goal-setting activities fill the weeklong conference.

“This program helps provide students the skills they can use not only for high school activities, but also as they enter college and pursue a career,” Davis said.

College scholarships are available to students who attend the conference, Davis noted. Everyone who attends YLC is eligible to participate in the Free Enterprise Speech contest in the fall. Each district winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship.

The county Farm Bureau sponsors the selected students to attend YLC, paying for the students’ room and board, registration, meals and conference materials.

Applications can be found online or at county Farm Bureau offices. Applications are due to the county office by Monday, May 2.

For more information or an application, contact your local county Farm Bureau office or Davis at