By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

Agricultural science teachers with one to five years of classroom experience can register for the Early Ag Teacher Professional Development offered by Texas Farm Bureau (TFB).

The two-day workshop will provide hands-on classroom and laboratory instruction on key areas in agriscience, including supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs) and FFA activities.

The event is set for June 2-3 in Waco.

“Texas Farm Bureau is committed to supporting ag teachers because of the vital role they play in shaping the future of agriculture,” Jordan Bartels, associate director of Organization Division, Educational Outreach, said. “This workshop provides an opportunity for ag teachers early in their career to focus on key topics that matter to both them and their students.”

The workshop will include presentations from agricultural experts who specialize in education, including Ray Pieniazek with the Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas, keynote speaker Dr. Tobin Redwine, and various university speakers.

Attendees will also participate in a meat lab demonstration led by Eric Harwell, manager and instructor at Tarleton State University Meats Lab.

Also on the agenda for the free professional development event is a visit to a local ranch and tour Texas State Technical College in Waco.

“This professional development opportunity is designed to directly address how to facilitate the three-circle model approach, which includes classroom instruction, FFA and SAEs,” Bartels said.

Registration closes May 1. The workshop is limited to 40 teachers. Click here to register.

For more information, visit or contact TFB’s Educational Outreach team at 254-751-2258 or

Additional information on other educational opportunities and resources can be found at