U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has proclaimed today, Jan. 6, as Bob Stallman Appreciation Day.

Stallman, from Columbus, Texas, and former president of the Texas Farm Bureau, is retiring as president of the American Farm Bureau Federation after 16 years of service. Vilsack honored Stallman at a special reception today at USDA headquarters in Washington, D.C.

“Bob Stallman is well-deserving of recognition for his outstanding contributions to all corners of agriculture and his commitment to strengthen rural America for the hard-working families who call it home. For 16 years, Bob has led the American Farm Bureau Federation with a steady hand and champion’s heart. Under his leadership, the Farm Bureau’s advocacy efforts to connect the work being done in rural America to its impact on the lives of every American have evolved and grown. Stallman and the Farm Bureau have played an instrumental role in shaping, passing and implementing the 2014 Farm Bill, supported producers in the wake of historic drought conditions and other natural disasters, and expanded new market opportunities for farmers and ranchers through their support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other trade agreements,” Vilsack said.

“Bob is the kind of leader who makes people in the business proud of what they do. He has inspired countless agricultural leaders, past and present, including myself. I am honored to call him a strong partner and a good friend,” Vilsack said.