By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

Baylor County Farm Bureau donated 116 pounds of fresh pork to the Seymour Meals on Wheels organization and Seymour Church of Christ-SonShine Days Food Pantry using Texas Farm Bureau’s (TFB) Farmers Feeding Families program.

The Farmers Feeding Families program aims to reduce food insecurity at the local level and encourages CFBs to donate livestock, volunteer time, make monetary donations and contribute food items to support local organizations and food distribution efforts.

This initiative, which launched this year, is coordinated by TFB’s Young Farmer & Rancher Advisory Committee.

“We were able to keep it all in our community by purchasing the pig from a local family, having it processed at our local butcher and then donating it back to our community,” Damon Hertel, Baylor County Farm Bureau secretary-treasurer, said.

Hunger impacts individuals and families in the county, but farmers and ranchers are stepping up to make a difference.

“The organizations are always looking for donations to serve more people,” Hertel said. “With inflation and the rising cost of groceries, being able to meet that most basic need felt very important. We were happy to be a part of this program and make it happen in our community.”

Seymour Meals on Wheels provides daily lunches to many citizens, and SonShine Days Food Pantry distributes about 200 boxes of food containing canned goods and fresh meat each month.

“We enjoy giving back to our community in any way possible, and this was a great way to help meet their nutritional needs,” Hertel said.

For more information about the Farmers Feeding Families program or to learn how to donate, contact your county Farm Bureau or visit