By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

Cotton Incorporated is meeting consumers where they are through new marketing strategies.

Earlier this year, the organization launched its The Fabric of Now campaign, focusing on enjoying the moment, slowing down and the sustainability of cotton.

The campaign includes television advertisement spots on major networks designed to capture the attention of young women between the ages of 18 and 34.

The campaign’s main goal is to increase consumer demand and to provide a maximum return on the farmers’ and importers’ assessments that fund Cotton Incorporated.

“It’s important to realize that cotton currently holds a fairly strong position commanding around 60 percent share of all fiber sold,” Ira Livingston, senior vice president of Consumer Marketing at Cotton Incorporated, said. “If we can get women to shop more, and shop specifically for cotton, that’s going to mean more cotton items taken off store shelves. More business means more demand, and when you put more demand on a stable supply, that’s going to have a good result on prices.”

Research shows that cotton holds over 70% of the men’s apparel category but less than 50% of women’s wear, creating more potential to increase cotton’s share in women’s clothing.

That’s why Cotton Incorporated’s marketing efforts are targeting more female consumers.

One commercial features a couple with their dog, as research indicated consumers are more likely to be impacted by commercials featuring pets. The ad highlights the durability and comfort of cotton sheets.

The second ad showcases trendy young people enjoying a phone-free Friday night dinner with friends.

The campaign has proven to be effective, with nearly one-third of surveyed consumers stating the commercials made them think differently about cotton and its products.

“Most people think of cotton in terms of underwear or white T-shirts,” Kim Kitchings, senior vice president of Consumer Marketing for Cotton Incorporated, said. “We are breaking through that stigma with this campaign.”

The campaign extends to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and TikTok.

Cotton Incorporated is also tapping into influencer marketing and collaborating with social media influencers. These influencers, including Olympic gymnast Suni Lee, have built rapport with their followers and are a powerful tool for reaching consumers in the 18 to 34 age group.

For more information on Cotton Incorporated’s efforts, visit To watch the commercials and learn more about the Fabric of Now campaign, visit