Take time now to comment before the public comment period ends Oct. 20 on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed rule, Waters of the U.S (WOTUS). The rule is an effort to expand EPA’s regulatory authority under the Clean Water Act.

Gene Hall explains in Texas Farm Bureau’s (TFB) Your Texas Agriculture Minute the WOTUS rule that would take “navigable waters” out of the definition of types of water EPA has power over. This means farmers and ranchers could be required to get permits to build fences, graze and complete normal, everyday activities on their own land.

This action would give the agency control over virtually any body of water or anywhere water flows. Ditches, flood plains, farm ponds, grassy waterways and many other areas would fall under its regulatory grasp.

To submit your comments, click the VoterVoice link on the TFB’s legislative webpage or on the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal. Remember to identify your comments with Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW-2011-0880.