The Texas corn harvest finished reasonably good overall. In the Gulf Coast region, yields were generally between 130 bushels per acre on the lower side and 150 bushels per acre on the higher end, reports AgriLife Today.

Yields were considerably better in the Blacklands region along the U.S. Interstate 35 corridor with a lot of areas getting 150 to 180 bushels per acre and even some areas were at 180 to over 200 bushels per acre.

About half of the state’s annual 2 million acres of corn is grown in the Texas High Plains. Though some harvesting of early planted corn has begun, most of the crop in the High Plains is mature, but won’t be dried down and ready for harvest for a least another month. The recent rains were a little late to help the crop.

Texas corn growers started out really dry, received some good rains later to end up with surprising yields that haven’t been seen in a while.