A South Texas dairyman, farmer and rancher was elected president of Texas Farm Bureau (TFB), the state’s largest farm and ranch organization.

Russell Boening of Poth is the 10th president of TFB, which represents more than 513,000 member families. He grows cotton, corn, grain sorghum, watermelons and wheat, as well as manages a beef cattle operation and a 450-cow dairy with his brother and father.

It was the first change in leadership in 12 years, as Kenneth Dierschke retired from the position.

“It’s an honor to lead the greatest agricultural organization,” Boening said. “Agriculture and Farm Bureau have been my life. I hope to help Texas Farm Bureau stay on the right track and increase farmer and rancher involvement.”

Dave Edmiston of McCulloch County was elected vice president and Robert Gordon of Dallam County was elected secretary-treasurer.

Two new state directors were elected.

Zachary Yanta of Runge in Karnes County is the new District 12 director. President of the Karnes County Farm Bureau, Yanta is a fourth-generation farmer and rancher and owns a land improvement business with his son. He and his wife, Linda, also have a daughter and one grandson.

Val Stephens, a cotton farmer from Lamesa, is the new District 6 director. He was the president of Dawson County Farm Bureau and a member of the TFB Cotton Advisory Committee. He and his wife, Patricia, have two sons, one daughter and two grandchildren.