A series of public work sessions will be held across the state to provide an overview of the process for implementing the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT).

The first of three sessions is set for Feb. 11 in Conroe. The other sessions are slated for Feb. 24 in Lubbock and March 24 in Harlingen.

The meetings, hosted by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), will offer ample opportunity for public input.

“The meetings are open to the public, because the Texas Water Development Board wants Texans’ input on developing rules for how the SWIFT will be used,” said Doug Shaw, agriculture and rural Texas ombudsman for the organization. “These work sessions are laying the groundwork for our future water needs.”

Approved by voters last fall, SWIFT is the $2 billion fund created through Proposition 6 to finance state water plan projects and to provide ongoing state financial assistance for water supplies.