The ballots have been cast and the results are in.

All seven of the proposed amendments to the state Constitution were approved by a majority of Texas voters.

According to the Secretary of State, Proposition 1, which increases the homestead exemption from ad valorem tax for public schools passed with 86.37 percent of the vote.

Proposition 2, which provides a tax exemption for disabled veterans’ spouses, passed with over 91 percent of the vote.

Proposition 3, which repeals the requirement for certain state officials to reside in Austin, passed with 66 percent of voters’ approval.

Proposition 4 permits professional sports team charitable foundations to conduct raffles. Sixty-nine percent of Texans voted in favor of the amendment.

Proposition 5 allows certain counties to construct and maintain private roads. Over 82 percent of voting Texans approved.

Over 81 percent of people voted in favor of Proposition 6, which adds a Texan’s right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife to the state Constitution.

The final proposition, Prop 7, dedicates taxes to the state highway fund to improve roadways. Over 83 percent of voters favored the amendment.

Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) supported Propositions 1, 6 and 7. The state’s largest farm organization was neutral on the other four propositions.

A little over 11 percent of the state’s 13.9 million registered voters cast ballots during early and election day voting.

According to the Texas Tribune, since the state’s Constitution was adopted in 1876, Texans have amended the documents over 400 times.