By Julie Tomascik

Increasing agricultural literacy and awareness in schools and communities is important to grow informed consumers, and mini-grants available from the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture can help.

County Farm Bureaus may apply for grants of up to $1,000 for K-12 educational programs through the White-Reinhardt Mini-Grant Program. The grant can be used to initiate new agricultural literacy programs or expand existing programs.

The national grant program was established to fund projects that help students and adults cultivate a better understanding of agriculture.

“This grant process serves as an excellent way for county Farm Bureaus and local teachers to collaborate on projects that bring agriculture to life in the classroom,” Jordan Walker, Texas Farm Bureau associate director of Organization division, Educational Outreach, said. “Farmers and ranchers in the county working together with teachers is a great recipe for growing awareness and understanding of how our food is grown.”

Agricultural literacy initiatives are enhanced in local communities through this mini-grant program, according to the program coordinators.

Grants are available on a competitive basis.

Applications must be submitted by April 15.

Applications must include a timeline and detailed budget with estimated expenses, as well as a summary of the project, goals and anticipated outcomes and the target audience.

The winners will be notified in mid-July. Initial funding will be issued in August and the balance will be received upon completion of the project and submission of a final report.

Payments cannot be made to individuals or other organizations, only to a county Farm Bureau.

The White-Reinhardt Fund for Education is a project of the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture in cooperation with the American Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee. The fund honors two former committee chairwomen, Berta White and Linda Reinhardt, who were trailblazers in early national efforts to expand the outreach of agricultural education and improve agricultural literacy.

More information about the White-Reinhardt Mini-Grant Program is available online.

Read about two county Farm Bureaus who received mini-grants in the last grant cycle.