By Julie Tomascik

The House Democratic Caucus approved Rep. David Scott (D-Ga.) to serve as the chair of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee, which is charged with legislative oversight relating to the U.S. agriculture industry, forestry, nutrition and rural development.

A Democratic steering committee selected Scott over Jim Costa (D-Calif.) in a 32-19 vote on Tuesday. Dec. 1.

The position was formerly held by Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), who was unsuccessful in securing another term in Congress. Peterson chaired the committee for six years but lost his reelection last month.

“Texas Farm Bureau congratulates Congressman Scott on his recent selection to serve as chairman of the U.S. House Agriculture Committee,” TFB President Russell Boening said. “His vast knowledge of agriculture and dedication to our nation’s hardworking farmers and ranchers prove his ability to serve in this capacity. We look forward to our continued work with Congressman Scott and other agricultural leaders in D.C. to help address the needs of rural America.”

Scott will be the first African American chair of the committee. He has served on the Agriculture Committee since 2003, making him the most senior Democrat on the committee after Peterson. Among his leadership roles, Scott previously chaired an Agriculture Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy and Credit, as well as Livestock and Foreign Agriculture.

Scott, who was born on a farm in South Carolina, said agriculture has been a crucial part of his life.

“I am honored to have been chosen by my colleagues in the Democratic Caucus to serve as chairman of the House Agriculture Committee,” Scott said following his selection as committee chair. “And I will use this critical opportunity to represent the values of our entire caucus and advance our priorities for trade, disaster aid, climate change, sustainable agriculture, SNAP, crop insurance, small family farms, specialty crops and rural broadband. The fault lines dividing our rural and urban communities are running deep, and climate change is now threatening our nation’s food supply. As chairman, I will lead the fight to rise up and meet these challenges.”

U.S. Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-Pa.) will serve as the ranking member of the Agriculture Committee after being selected by the Republican Steering Committee.

“Congressman G.T. Thompson is a true friend to agriculture, and we are pleased he has been selected to serve as the ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee,” Boening said. “He has helped Texas Farm Bureau and the American Farm Bureau Federation by working on many of our priority issues over the years. We appreciate Congressman Thompson’s unwavering leadership and look forward to working with him in his new capacity.”

Texas Farm Bureau and the American Farm Bureau Federation will work with the new leadership to address the needs facing farmers, ranchers and rural communities.

“We have the opportunity to work together to address the pressing needs of rural America during the 117th Congress. We must strengthen the farm bill and find a fair solution to the farm labor shortage. We look forward to creating partnerships that build on the strides we’ve made in climate-smart practices. And it’s essential we finally bridge the digital divide that has kept rural America from accessing the full potential of the nation’s broadband,” Duvall said. “All this can be done when we focus on a common goal. Farm Bureau stands ready to work with Agriculture Committee leadership in addressing the important issues facing America’s farmers and ranchers.”