The research is done and the winners are in. Texas A&M AgriLife has released its wheat variety “picks,” or suggestions, for growers across the state.

A “pick” variety, according to Extension specialists, is chosen because “given the data, these are the varieties we would choose to include and emphasize on our farm for wheat grain production in a particular region.”

To determine the “picks, AgriLife Research and Extension faculty work together by region to conduct Extension wheat testing in both research settings and on farms.

The criteria, according to Dr. Calvin Trostle, AgriLife Extension agronomist, includes a minimum of three years of data in AgriLife wheat variety trials across numerous annual locations.

The “picks” aren’t necessarily the varieties with the best yields.

According to AgriLife, the variety’s disease resistance, insect tolerance and standability all play a role.

Additional information and the “picks” can be found here: