By Julie Tomascik

President Donald J. Trump will visit Austin this weekend to address farmers and ranchers in attendance at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s (AFBF) 101st Annual Convention in Austin.

“The American Farm Bureau is honored President Trump will return for a third consecutive year to speak with farmers and ranchers who work tirelessly to produce the quality food and fiber our country needs,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said. “We are grateful that he has made agricultural issues a priority and look forward to welcoming him to Austin at a time when there is much to talk about, from trade progress to important regulatory reforms.”

The annual convention is set for Jan. 17-22 at the Austin Convention Center.

Trump is scheduled to address the nation’s farmers and ranchers on Jan. 19.

In addition to Trump, other national officials currently scheduled to attend AFBF’s annual convention include U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler. Members of Congress, including U.S. Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), are slated to be in attendance.

Throughout the convention, farmers and ranchers will hear from distinguished leaders and participate in a grassroots policy-setting process that will guide AFBF through 2020.

The trade show will feature exhibits that allow attendees to learn about innovative technologies, shop featured products and hear TED-style talks on the Cultivation Center stage.

Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) members will also participate in several contests.

Braden and Jordan McInnis of Anderson County Farm Bureau will represent TFB in the Achievement Award competition. This contest recognizes the accomplishments of young agricultural leaders between the ages of 18 and 35 who actively make a living from farming and ranching.

TFB representatives in the Excellence in Agriculture competition are Zach and Sarah Eder of Wharton County Farm Bureau. This contest is designed for young farmers and ranchers ages 18 to 35 who are involved in agriculture but do not earn their primary income from a farm or ranch enterprise.

Matt Mahler of Wichita County Farm Bureau will represent TFB in the Young Farmer & Rancher Discussion Meet. Through this contest, Mahler will discuss agricultural issues facing farmers and ranchers and potential solutions to those problems.

TFB will also be represented in AFBF’s Trade Show. Two county Farm Bureaus from Texas received a County Activities of Excellence Award and will display photos and handouts that showcase the activities they held this year to connect consumers to agriculture. Anderson County Farm Bureau and Cherokee County Farm Bureau will each have a booth in the trade show.

Click here for more details on the meeting.