Experts say South Texas grain sorghum growers could be in for a rough year controlling pests and would benefit from attending the Preventive Sugarcane Aphid Conference for Sorghum Growers of the Rio Grande Valley on April 14 in Weslaco, reports AgriLife Today.

“We’re already finding sugarcane aphids on Johnson grass and volunteer sorghum plants,” said Dr. Raul Villanueva, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service (AgriLife) entomologist.

“That means sugarcane aphid populations are more established than in years past. And that means populations will be well dispersed throughout the Valley. Populations will appear early this year and spread rapidly,” he said.

Other pests, including headworms and cutworms, will be discussed. The latest research on new tools and tactics, biocontrol strategies and sorghum cultivars with resistance to greenbugs will be presented.

For more information, contact Villanueva at 956-968-5581.