The 2015 small grains educational meeting in Oldham County has been scheduled for March 25 by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office there.
“Our program will focus on dryland aspects of wheat and grain sorghum production, along with sorghum forage and silage,” said Austin Voyles, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent for Oldham County. “A lunch has been graciously sponsored by Capital Farm Credit, and during this lunch, we will discuss market outlooks and updates with Dede Jones.”
Topics will include: Sorghum Herbicide Use, Silage and Forage Options, Market Outlooks and Updates, and Green Bugs and Sugarcane Aphids. AgriLife Extension speakers include: Dr. Calvin Trostle, agronomist, Lubbock; Dr. Jourdan Bell, agronomist, Amarillo; Dr. Ed Bynum, entomologist, Amarillo; and Jones, risk management specialist, Amarillo.
The meeting will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Oldham County Barn, 305 Coke St. in Vega. Those planning to attend should RSVP by March 16 to 806-267-2692.
This free meeting will be open to the public, and the AgriLife Extension office in Oldham County is also inviting producers from surrounding counties who might benefit from the information to be presented.
Three Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units will be offered.
For more information, contact Voyles at 806-267-2692.