A landowner education series presented by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service (AgriLife) will be held in four South Central Texas locations in Blanco, Gillespie, Kendall and Kerr counties from March through June, according to AgriLife Today.
Session attendees will meet with top experts in their respective fields. They will enjoy hands-on experience, site visits and advice on best land management practices, along with a new landowner notebook full of timely information and handouts.
The following dates, locations and topics are set:
• Mar. 6, Fredericksburg: tax valuations, easements, permits and grazing and hunting leases
• Mar. 27, Boerne: back to basics, home gardening, chickens and natural versus organic
• Apr. 17, Kerrville: live oak wilt, turf, tree and landscape maintenance and rainwater harvesting
• May 1, location to be determined: forage production, livestock species selection, grazing management and fencing
• May 15, location to be determined: wildlife and range management, brush control and plant identification
• June 5, Stonewall: vineyards and orchards
The cost is $30 per session or $100 per person and $150 per couple for the entire series, payable in advance or at the door. Advance notice is requested.
For more information, contact the AgriLife Extension office in Gillespie County at 830-997-3452.