A new coalition is fighting to defend the rural way of life and economic prosperity by opposing The Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife and WildEarth Guardians’ request that the Lesser Prairie-Chicken (LPC) be listed as an “endangered” species, according to a Kansas Farm Bureau news release.

The coalition is comprised of the Kansas Farm Bureau, Kansas Corn Growers Association, Texas Farm Bureau (TFB), The American Farm Bureau Federation, New Mexico Farm and Livestock Bureau and Colorado Farm Bureau.

The bird is currently listed as “threatened.” The LPC range is roughly 20 million acres, affecting 85 counties in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Colorado.

The threat from an “endangered” designation reaches far beyond the farm gate to rural Main Street and local government. To learn more, click here or follow coalition activity on Twitter (@StopFowlPlay) using hashtag #StopFowlPlay and Facebook.