The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released water and wetland maps for all 50 states under the proposed “Waters of the U.S.” legislation.

The maps show an astonishing picture of EPA’s plan to “control a huge amount of private property across the country,” according to Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), chairman of the House Science Committee, which recently released the agency’s maps, according to Smith’s news release.

In a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, Smith said the agency claims it has not yet used these maps to regulate. However, considering they were created just days after the agency released its sweeping “Waters of the U.S.” proposal, it is clear these maps were drafted with the purpose of regulation in mind, he added.

In light of the ongoing rulemaking and the questions these maps raise, Smith said EPA should: provide all documents and communications related to EPA’s contract with INDUS Corporation used to create these maps; enter these and other previously undisclosed maps into the official rulemaking docket for public review; and keep the public comment period open for at least 60 days after the maps entry in the official rulemaking docket to provide adequate time for public comment.

Maps can be found at: EPA state and national maps of waters and wetlands.