Texas cattlemen will invest an additional $1 per head in their future as the Texas Beef Checkoff Referendum passed by a 67-33 percent margin, according to results released today by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA).

“It’s a great day for Texas beef,” said Dave Edmiston, vice chairman of the Texas Beef Council and a Texas Farm Bureau state director. “Texas cattlemen looked the future in the eye and didn’t blink.”

Cattle industry organizations requested that TDA create a producer-funded and managed, state-level checkoff program financed through a refundable assessment at each point cattle are sold in Texas. The dollar-per-head will allow Texas producers to conduct beef promotion, marketing, research and education programs for consumers. The funds will be managed by Texas beef producers on the Beef Promotion and Research Council of Texas.

“This additional dollar will enhance and build upon current programs,” Edmiston said. “These funds will promote Texas beef in the Lone Star State and throughout the world.”

TFB President Kenneth Dierschke noted the efforts by Farm Bureau and other agricultural organizations in getting the referendum passed. Farm Bureau activated a grassroots network of county leaders to ensure success.

“Our county Farm Bureau leaders worked hard to get out accurate information and motivate their friends and neighbors to cast votes in this referendum,” Dierschke said. “The result is an investment that will pay dividends for their future and for generations to come.”

Collection of the assessment will begin Oct. 1, 2014.