By Justin Walker
Communications Specialist

Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) will once again offer college students an opportunity to develop problem-solving skills through the Collegiate Discussion Meet.

This year’s contest will take place March 30-31 in Waco during TFB’s Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Conference. The contest will allow college students to dive deeper into agricultural issues by discussing them with their peers and considering ways to be involved in agriculture following college.

“The Collegiate Discussion Meet pulls out those young people who are self-starters and give them a little more leadership training and self-improvement in their speaking skills,” Melody Kneupper, YF&R Advisory Committee chairman, said.

The contest features a roundtable discussion on two of the five possible agricultural topics on Saturday, March 30. A final round consisting of the top four contestants will take place on Sunday, March 31.

The winner will take home a $2,000 cash award and will receive expense-paid trips to the TFB Annual Meeting in December and the American Farm Bureau Collegiate Discussion Meet in February 2020.

The runner-up will receive a $500 cash prize and an expense-paid trip to the TFB Annual Meeting. The remaining finalists will each receive $500.

In addition to the prizes, the Collegiate Discussion Meet serves as a great networking opportunity for the students to meet with people within the agricultural industry and involved in TFB, Kneupper said.

“Texas Farm Bureau one of the largest agricultural organizations in the state, and we want to draw young people into our organization,” she said. “These contests are full of bright, young leaders who are interested in agriculture and are advocating for the industry. It’s important for our organization to identify these people to help lead in the future.”

Eligible contestants must be between the ages of 18 and 35, must have an interest in agriculture and pursing an undergraduate degree in agriculture or an agricultural-related field.

Applications are due Feb. 27. TFB members can register here, and non-TFB members can register by contacting Whit Weems at or by calling 254-399-5030.

If a student participating in the contest is also interested in attending the YF&R Conference, the conference registration fee will be waived, Kneupper said.

Once registered, students will be provided access to information on how to prepare for the contest.

Click here for more information on the Collegiate Discussion Meet, or contact Weems at 254-399-5030 or with any questions.