By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

For some, June is the beginning of summer activities, but it’s also National Dairy Month.

Each June, National Dairy Month honors dairy farmers’ commitment to their animals, the land and their communities, as well as the milk and dairy products available on grocery store shelves every day.

“June is always a great time for ice cream, but National Dairy Month is really a chance for us to spotlight dairy farmers and all the different things dairy offers from butter to yogurt and cheese,” Darren Turley, executive director of Texas Association of Dairymen, said.

The month-long celebration started in 1937 as National Milk Month to promote drinking milk to U.S. consumers when there was a surplus of milk.

The celebration evolved over time and later became National Dairy Month to highlight every aspect of the dairy industry and encourage consumers to eat more dairy.

Dairy is not only a source of calcium and potassium, but also provides 13 essential vitamins and minerals.

Whether it’s protein to help build and repair muscle tissue or vitamin A to help maintain healthy skin, dairy products assist in diabetes prevention, hearth health, bone health and other nutritional benefits.

“Dairy farmers take great pride in producing that nutrition that comes from dairy,” Turley said.

Texas ranks third in dairy production, according to the Texas Association of Dairymen.

The Lone Star State has about 294 dairies and more than 635,000 cows. Texas dairies produce about 16.5 billion pounds of milk, or over 1.9 million gallons, annually.

Dairy has $53.8 billion state economic impact, and about 258,000 jobs are related to the Texas dairy industry.

“Dairy farmers are hardworking people that work seven days a week, 24 hours a day,” Turley said. “National Dairy Month gives dairy farmers and their families a chance to be recognized for a wholesome food product they produce every day for the country.”

How to celebrate National Dairy Month
Below are some fun and creative ways to celebrate National Dairy Month.

Dairy good recipes
Ice cream in a bag

Jalapeño Popper Cheesecake

Cheese Logs

Meet Texas dairy farmers
Jouwert Talsma continues his family’s longstanding dairy legacy. Read more in this Texas Neighbors article.

Glass-bottled milk and a taste of home is part of the Volleman’s family farm story. It’s a tradition the family is cultivating in Comanche County where Frank and Annette Volleman, along with their four sons, are delivering the milk from their farm across the Lone Star State. Watch a video with the Volleman family

For dairy farmers, technology is key. And on Scott Vieth’s dairy farm in Windthorst, that technology is in the form of robotic milkers. Watch this video to learn more