By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

Sheridan Franks has been an agricultural science teacher for four years at Littlefield High School. He inspires his students to find their passions, much like his own ag teachers once did for him.

“They motivated me and were there for me constantly,” Franks said. “They pushed me through my classes and inspired me to teach agriculture and give my students the same structure my teachers did.”

Franks’ commitment to agricultural education is driven by his desire to prepare students for the future.

“I want to show my students that through hard work and determination, everything they do can help them toward a career,” he said.

Whether his students pursue a future in agriculture or another field, Franks aims to equip his students with essential life skills and knowledge.

One of his greatest joys as a teacher is witnessing the excitement his students show in the classroom.

“They’ll come up to me and say, ‘Hey, I have this paragraph of the creed memorized’ or show me a project they’re working on,” Frank said. “Seeing them each day, smile, laugh, have a good time and enjoy learning about agriculture, that motivates me every day.”

Franks teaches a several courses, including animal science, plant science and principles of agriculture. His students gain hands-on experience by growing crops in the school’s greenhouse, learning about livestock production and studying various cuts of meat from different species.

In addition to teaching agriculture and serving as an FFA advisor, Franks sees himself as a mentor for his students, helping them take the next step toward a successful future.

“We focus on preparing those kids for their future, whether it’s in agriculture or a different field,” he said. “As ag teachers, we get to shape our students’ lives. We teach them where their food, fiber and fuel comes from, but we also prepare them to be advocates for agriculture and share with others the importance of our industry.”